Monday, January 4, 2010

Sparkling Things, People, and Places

I love sparkly things. Obviously. And sparkly people. And sparkly places. All are fun and all provide a lot of enjoyment. So, here are some of my favorites.

f.y.i. Arbonne ItShines Lip Gloss in Vogue
Not only is Arbonne cruelty-free, it is also one of the few cosmetic companies to exclude animal products from all of their, well, products. Also, this lip gloss is hardcore sparkly so you can look good while you feel good.

I am so looking forward to trying out this line, especially their nail polish. Not only are they a good cause, but they are also a good choice using organic farming and maintaining high scores on the Environmental Working Group's Skin Deep Rating System.
From their website:
"Peacekeeper Cause-Metics is the first cosmetics line to give all of its after-tax, distributable profits to women’s health advocacy and urgent human rights issues. PeaceKeeper builds a bridge between extraordinary women in the land-of-plenty with extraordinary women who, by chance of birth, don’t have our resources or opportunities."
"peacekeeper is dedicated to creating cosmetics using non-toxic ingredients that will keep your body safe and healthy. we pride ourselves on our slogan: no nasty anything! we also have many vegan-friendly products."

It's hard to think of sparkle without thinking of Bob Mackie and his glorious, beaded creations. And it's hard to think of Bob Mackie without thinking of Cher. His designs have also donned the likes of Barbara Streisand, Tina Turner, Diana Ross, and, now, Barbie. Glamour, glitz, fun, and daring come to mind when you see women in his fabulous frocks. Aren't those words we would all like to hear applied to us?

We already know Alyssa Milano is an adorable, sparkly person. Her Twitter stream just proves it. She shares great information and funny links. Oh, and for her birthday, all she asked for was a donation to Charity Water. (Her particular campaign is closed, but you can still donate or create your own campaign.)

It's hard to imagine a celebration without this sparkly little beverage. Cheap or pricey, it can turn even a small evening with friends into a party. I promise you, it does not need to be reserved for New Year's Eve and weddings. Next time you're having a girls's night or invite a couple of people over for cocktails and a movie, pop some bubbly. You'll be sparkling in no time.

My favorite city in the world is home to Picadilly Circus, the West End, Harrods, and, of course, the sparkliest of all sparkles, the Crown Jewels. The mere thought of hopping on the Tube or a walk through Hyde Park cheers me up. Even when it's raining there, London is my happy place.

This fun and cute blog is full of sparkle. From cosmetics to pop-culture to food, THINGSWEHEART and MISS ME bring you everything they love. Mondays it's "beauty-fuls" and Tuesday it's food. Wednesday, look for something random and on Thursday get your inner interior designer ready. Friday will get you dressed while Saturday and Sunday will tell you what is "bueno" or "no bueno." Written with love, this blog is a great place to go for a pick me up or to find something to pick up for a special someone.

This has been fun! I'm so excited to think of more of my favorite sparklers! What are yours?

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