Thursday, January 21, 2010

Girl Talk

Sometimes there is nothing better than spending a few hours with a girlfriend. Or a few girlfriends. There is something about girl talk that leaves women sparkling. It's like a rejuvenation for the spirit. It's how we communicate and bond with each other. We have fun and laugh and are free to be exactly who we are without apology. While it may seem silly from the outside, it's actually very important. Our friends can give us advice that no one else can. They can help us work things out or just be there to listen. Friends are also a source of self-esteem and can help give us that extra boost of confidence if we need it. In short, friends are there to give us that certain something that no one else can.

Girls today are more in need than ever of girl talk. They are facing a world that seems to move a lot faster than it did just ten or fifteen years ago. Talking is how they are going to learn about how to navigate and find their place. Guidance and love are two of the best tools to promote a healthy girlhood. As women, it's going to be important for us to help these soon to be women find their way. Girl Talk is an Atlanta, GA based organization that is doing just that. It is a mentoring program that matches middle school girls with high school girls to help them build self-esteem and show them the importance of community service and leadership skills. Girl Scouts is another organization working to build character and develop strong values in young women and girls. It is an organization that I was lucky enough to be a part of as a young girl. I participated in activities from camping to sewing. I learned how to work as a team and be part of a group working towards something bigger.

Girl talk is an important part of being a woman. It helps us create who we are. It gives us an anchor when we need to weather a storm. It can be fun and fulfilling and nurturing. It can bring us back to ourselves.

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