Sunday, January 9, 2011


Before the new year, I read a blog about writing vows for the new year rather than resolutions. The idea was that resolutions fall by the wayside as the general idea surrounding them is that they never last. Vows, on the other hand, are something taken much more seriously and, therefore, something that are followed through.

I am not a person who has ever made new year's resolutions. Well, maybe when I was in elementary school. But, as an adult, I have not made resolutions on the premise that I would never keep them. And I would rather not make promises to myself that I cannot/would not keep. This year, however, I did decide to make some resolutions (before reading the blog about vows, anyway).

What surprises me the most is how, once you really decide to do somthing, it gets done. Committing to change or progress or accomplishment or release or whatever it is that you're trying to do makes it happen. I know it sounds new age-y and weird, but I really believe that when you decide something, the Universe will help you make it happen. I don't know if people can pick up on the energy that you're putting out or if you are more pro-active in trying to achieve whatever you've set your mind to or if it is simply a matter of timing.

I challenge you to make a vow to yourself this year. Put it out there and see the Universe come and help you with it. The trick seems to be that you have to really be ready to keep your promise, to put the work in, and to commit fully. But, if it's a vow you're making, those things are probably already in order.